
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Vagarai (Tamil Nadu)

Format E – Information from centre – Maize Research Station, Vagarai, TNAU.
Name of centre (Latitude/Longitude) : latitude of 10º57’ N, longitude of 77 º56’ E
Address : Maize Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Vagarai, Palani Taluk – 624613

Staff details :

S.No Name of the Post Name Designation Date from which  working
1. Scientist in-charge Plant breeding Dr. K.R.V.Sathya Sheela Asst. Prof. (PBG) 25.05.2018
2. Scientist in-charge Agronomy Dr. P.Thukkaiyannan Asst. Prof. (Agron.) 09.04.2015
3. Technical Assistant Tmt.K.Sumathi Agrl. Supervisor 01.07.2011
4. Technical Assistant Th.M.Manikandarajan Asst. Agrl. Officer 01.04.2010
5. Field man Vacant    


  • Evolving new high yielding hybrids suitable for rainfed conditions.
  • Collection and maintenance of maize germplasm
  • Development of inbreds and maintenance
  • Hybrid seed production
  • Developing agro techniques for increased yield in maize
  • Transfer of technologies through Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) programmes
  • Formulating a viable insect and disease management strategy for maize integrating ecofriendly and low cost technologies

Farm area : 22.94 acres


  • The hybrid VGI H1 is released during 2018 for North Eastern Plain Zone from Maize Research Station, Vagarai, TNAU. The hybrid is resistant to Curvalaria Leaf Spot and moderately resistant to multiple diseases Maydis Leaf Blight, Turcicum Leaf Blight, Banded Leaf Sheath Blight, Charcoal Rot, Fusarium Stalk Rot and Bacterial Stalk Rot.
  • Cultures under national level evaluation AICRP: Fourteen promising hybrid cultures were evaluated so far in AICRP. The promising cultures VaMH 16008 (NIVT Irrigated) and VaMH 15036 (AVT I Rainfed) are being evaluated during 2019 -20.
  • Cultures under state level evaluation: The promisinghybrid cultures VaMH  12014 (ART II irrigated), VaMH  12013 (ART I – OFT) and VaMH 15028 (MLT II) are being evaluated during 2019 -20.
  • Inbreds selected at Winter Nursery Centre, Hyderabad is being used for synthesizing new inbreds. During 2019, 35 lines were received and is being utilized for developing inbreds
  • Total of 30 tribal sub plan programmes were conducted which includes 22 training and 8 field days.
  • Seed production of CO 6 is being undertaken and so far 2.5 tonnes of seeds were distributed to the farmers and research stations.

Achievements in Agronomy

  • Fertilizer optimization for irrigated maize hybrid in peninsular region is standardized as 250:80:100 kg NPK per hectare for late and medium maturity and 200:60:60 kg/ha for early maturity types.
  • Evaluation of weed management in maize system as application of Atrazine at 1.5 kg a.i. kg/ha as pre emergence followed by Halo sulphuron (60 gm a.i kg/ha at 25 DAS as post emergence recorded higher maize yield and benefit cost ratio.
  • Evaluation of new fertilizers and optimizing P2 O5 kg/ha + PSB II consortia reported higher grain yield, net returns and benefit cost ratio.

Disease management – State-wise we may give predominant diseases and their control measures (Given by TNAU, Coimbatore centre)

Pest management – State-wise we may give predominant pests and their control measures (Given by TNAU, Coimbatore centre)

Agronomic recommendations (Given by TNAU, Coimbatore centre)

Released Hybrid VGI H1

Tribal sub plan