
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Imphal (Manipur)

Name of the centre :
Central Agricultural University, Imphal (24◦49’4 7.4’’N/93◦55’36.5’’E)
Address : Directorate of Research ,Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur- 795004

Staff details

  1. Dr. JetiKonsam (Assistant Entomologist)
  2. Dr. Nabakishor Nongmaithem (Assistant Pathologist)
  3. Dr. Sanjenbam Dayananda Singh (Assistant Agronomist)
  4. Dr. Pusparani Senjam (Jr. Breeder i/c)

• Screening, identification and development of high yielding varieties/hybrids for increasing productivity in the state.
• Identification and development of early maturing varieties under specific situations mainly in pre-kharif in valley and kharif in hills.
• Collection, evaluation and maintenance of germplasm for use in future breeding programmes.

Farm area 8 ha

Significant achievement

• Identified two crtRB1 rich lines from materials collected from Manipur and Tripura and generation advancement in generation 5
• Identified two Baby corn lines (IMHB 1537, BVM-2) and two QPM hybrids (IMHQPM-1530, IMHQPM-1610) with stable and promising performance during Pre-kharif and kharif season in Manipur condition and may be popularised for commercial cultivation in the state
• Collected two local OP materials with high desirable characters and are currently being evaluated for further confirmation

  • CAULCM-1 (Local Senapati) – comparable yield, protein and starch content with Vivek QPM-9, HQPM-1, HQPM-4 and Pratap QPM
  • CAULCM-2 (Ukhrul selection) – resistant to almost all the common pest and diseases of maize

• Through Systematic survey and surveillance of maize diseases in maize growing areas of Manipur. The most common diseases were identified as Turcicum Leaf Blight (TLB), Common rust and Banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB)of maize. Brown spot, Maydis leaf blight and Curvularia leaf spot, Smut diseases of maize were of minor importance.
• Seed treatment and foliar application of Azoxystrobin 18.2 w/w + Difenoconazole 11.4% w/w SC @ 0.10% @ 35 and 45 DAS is recommended for the management of TLB disease of maize
• Foliar spray of Pyraclostrobin 133g/l + Epoxiconazole 50g/l SE @ 0.15% is also recommended for effective management of TLB diseases of maize
• Foliar spray of bioproducts Allium sativum (Garlic bulb) @10% @35,45 and 55 DAS is recommended for management of TLB diseases of maize

• Incidence of Chilo partellus was observed highest in July sown Maize crop.
• Incidence of Helicoverpa armigera was observed highest in the month of mid August in Kharif sown maize.
• With sudden invasion of Fall armyworm in the month of May’2019 at Manipur, a survey programme were conducted at different districts of Manipur. This was followed by state wide training programme with distribution of plant protection materials in different districts of Manipur.
• Whorl application of Emamectin benzoate @0.4g/l of water or Spinosad @ 0.3ml/l of water is recommended for management of Fall armyworm.

• To counter the deficiency of soil phosphorus, it is recommended that combination application of phosphorus through chemical fertilizer along with PSB-II (phosphorus solubilizing bacteria) for sustainable increase of phosphorus use efficiency.
• The most efficient weed control measures in the region is application of Atrazine (1.5 kg a.i./ha) as pre-emergence followed by 2,4-D Amine 0.4 kg a.i./ha at 25 DAS as post emergence.
• For normal maize and QPM, the recommended planting density is 65- 70 thousands plants per hectare. For high density planting of maize at around 1 lakh per hectare, site specific nutrient management is recommended for grain purpose maize in Manipur state.
• Conducted more than 30 FLDs and around 20 trainings with a beneficiaries of more than 1000 farmers as outreach programme.