10-03-2025 23:32:11

भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Varansi (Uttar Pradesh)

Name of centre: BHU, VARANASI
(Latitude/Longitude): 250 18 N latitude and 830 3E longitude
Address: Deptt. of Genetics & Plant Breeding, I. Ag. Sc., B.H.U. VARANASI 221005


  • To carry out basic, strategic and applied research aimed at enhancement of production and productivity of maize.
  • Germplasm collection, evaluation, maintenance and its enhancement
  • Development of suitable high yielding single cross hybrids for rabi and kharif
  • To conduct training, frontline demonstrations and on-farm research to maximize and accelerate adoption of research findings and innovative technologies.

Farm area: Approx. 12.0 Acre

Significant achievements (in bullets with photos)
1- Developed first single cross hybrid Malaviya Hybrid Makka-2 (V-33) of medium maturity.

2- One hybrid (V-32) has been tested in AET II year for rabi season also.

3- Evaluation & Maintenance of Maize Inbreds/Germplasms
No. of Advance Inbreds Developed and catalogued – 155 (Few photographs S.No.1 to 6)

4- No. of Experimental Hybrids Contributed: 135
5- All the experiments allotted to the centre were conducted and reported
6- Five abiotic stress (Drought and Excess Moisture) tolerant experimental hybrids identified. Six abiotic stress tolerant inbreds have been received for further evaluation and utilization.
7- Adoption of hybrid technology by farmers through FLD.
8- Introduced Rabi maize/Hybrid cultivation and also demonstrated the cultivation of Specialty Corn.
9- Delivered various TV and radio talks for promotion of hybrid maize cultivation.
10- Delivered several lectures on Maize Production Technology to train the farmers.
11- Organized Training programmes/ field visits/FLDs for the benefit of Tribal farmers of Sonbhadra and farmers are adopting the improved hybrid cultivation technology (photo graph attached below). Manual seed drill and sprayers were distributed.

Bed planting is recommended for Kharif season.