
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research


1. Disease management – State-wise we may give predominant diseases and their control measures:-

  1. Maydis leaf blight – Spray Mencozab 0.2% and repeat after 10-15 days for effective control.
  2. Downy mildew – Apply Ridomil MZ or Apron 35 SDF @ 4gm/kg seed as seed treatment & at the appearance of disease.
  3. Banded leaf & Sheath blight – Seed treatment of Carbendazim 50WP @2 gm/kg seed or Neem oil 2 ml/kg seed and spray of Carbendazim 50 WP @2 gm/lit of water or Neem oil 2 ml/lit. of water at the appearance of disease
  4. Root rot – Drenching of Dithane M 45 @3gm/lit. of water and apply Trichoderma 10gm/kg of FYM as soil application. Avoid water logging in field.

2. Pest management – State-wise we may give predominant pests and their control measures

  1. Stem borer – Drop granules of Phorate 10G or Carbofuron 3% @ 5-7.5 kg/ha in the whorl of maize.
  2. For bio-control – spray neem leaf extract 10% at 10 DAS. Release Trichogramma chilonis 1.5 lac/ha at 10,20,30 DAS
  3. Aphid – Spray 1 lit. Methyl dimeton 25 EC in 500 lit water/ha solution
  4. Grass hopper – On efficacy dust Methyl parathion 2% dust @ 25 kg/ha.
  5. FAW: Spraying of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 200 ml/ha or Spinetoram 11.7 SC@ 250 ml/ha or Emamectin benzoate 5SG@ 200 g/ha or Thiomethoxam 12.3 $ lamda cyhalothrin 9.5 ZC@ 200 ml/ha.