
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

संक्षिप्त विवरण

All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) was started with the basic objective to develop and disseminate superior cultivars and production/protection technologies across maize growing regions of the country. Based on agro-climatic conditions, the country has been divided into five zones constituting of 32 centres. AICRP organizes multidisciplinary, inter-institutional systematic testing of newly developed cultivars from both private and public sectors. In addition, it also develops production and/or protection technologies for different agro-climatic zones of the country.

Zone-wise distribution of centres in AICRP

ZoneZone nameCentres
INorthern Hill Zones (NHZ)Srinagar (Sri), Kangra (Kan), Bajaura (Baj), Almora (Alm), Barapani (Bar), Imphal (Imp)
IINorth West Plain Zone (NWPZ)Ludhiana (Lud), Karnal (Kar), Pantnagar (Pan), Delhi (Del)
IIINorth East Plain Zone (NEPZ)Baharaich (Bah), Varanasi (Var), Dholi (Dho), Sabour (Sab), Ranchi (Ran), Kalyani (Kal), Ambikapur (Amb), Bhubneshwar (Bhu), Gossaingaon (Gos)
IVPeninsular Zone (PZ)Rahuri (Rah), Kolhapur (Kol), Karimnagar (Kar), Hyderabad (Hyd), Peddapuram (Ped), Dharwada (Dha), Mandya (Man), Coimbatore (Coi), Vagarai (Vag)
VCentral Western Zone (CWZ)Udaipur (Uda), Banswara (Ban), Godhara (God), Chhindwara (Chh)