
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)

Name of centre (Latitude/Longitude)
Coimbatore (situated at an elevation of 411.98 m and between 11oN latitude and 77oE longitude. The average rainfall at this centre is 730 mm per year.

Department of Millets , Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore -641003

Staff Details

Sanction post Positions No. of Posts Name of the Scientist/staff  
Maize Breeder 1 Dr. R. Ravikesavan, Professor and Head
Asst. Maize Breeder 1 Dr. N. Kumari Vinodhana,, Asst. Professor
Asstt. Agronomist 1 Dr. A. P. Sivamurugan, Asst. Professor
Asstt. Pathologist 1 Dr. V. Sendhilvel,  Asst. Professor
Asstt. Entomologist 1 Dr. T.Srinivasan,  Asst. Professor
Sr. Tech. Asstt. 4 Mr. R. Jaishankar,  Agrl. Supervisor Mr. E. Raman,  Asst. Agrl. Officer Mrs. S. Shunmugathai, Asst. Agrl. Officer Mrs. P. Jayasri,   Asst. Agrl. Officer
Field man 3 Mrs. S. Mythili,    Asst. Agrl. Officer Mr. R. Palanisamy,    Lab Assistant Vacant
LDC/Typist 1 Ms.K.Vasanthi,         Assistant


  • Evaluation of single cross, composites and specialty corns for yield and other parameters
  • Development of high yielding single cross hybrids with pests and disease resistance
  • Collection, evaluation and maintenance of inbreds and development of new inbreds
  • Nucleus and breeder seed production of parents of hybrids and hybrid seed production of released hybrids
  • Transfer of technologies through Front Line demonstrations
  • Testing of different management technologies viz., spacing, weed management and fertilizer dose requirement for the pre release hybrids
  • Screening of inbreds and hybrids for pests and diseases and evolving strategies for efficient control
  • Survey and surveillance of pest and disease occurrence in the state

Farm area:72 acres (MBS and NA farms)

Significant achievements:

  • More than 150 hybrids were nominated from the centre for various AICRP trials and five hybrids CMH 08-282 (CO 6), CMH 08-287 (COH(M) 7), CMH 08-292 (COH(M) 8) , CMH 08-350 (COH(M)9) and CMH 08-433 (COH(M) 10) were released at the national level.
  • At state level one double cross hybrid (COH 3), One three way cross hybrid (COH(M)4), four single cross hybrids (COH 1, COH 2 and COH(M) 5) and CO 6), one composite CO1 and one baby corn CO(Bc) 1 have been released for general cultivation in Tamil Nadu
  • Hybrids COH(M) 6, COH(M) 7 and COH(M) 8 are the national checks under AICRP system
  • All the released hybrids were registered under PPV&FRA
  • Two hybrids CMH 15-005 and CMH 14-686 excelled under AICRP rainfed trials and are also simultaneously being tested in On Farm Trials in the farmer holdings at state level
  • Both the above hybrids were also tested under induced drought in collaboration with Physiologist and found to be promising
  • Thirty new inbreds were developed and all the inbreds of the released hybrids were shared with the other centres through germplasm field day
  • To popularize the released hybrids more than 3000 FLD’s were organized at various districts of TN since inception of AICRP
  • About 188 inbred lines maintained in the maize germplasm pool were characterized for 27 DUS based descriptors and submitted to Ramaiah Gene Bank, TNAU.
  • MoU were signed with private companies and one State seed corporation for commercialization of TNAU bred hybrids COH(M) 7, COH(M) 8 and COH(M) 9
  • Parental breeder seeds to the tune of 500kg to one tonne are produced every year to meet the state and GOI demand which includes the states of Gujarat, Karnataka and West Bengal
  • In five State Seed Farms viz., Mettur dam, Bhavani, Sathyamangalam, Bhavanisgar and Annapannai, seed production of maize hybrid CO 6 was initiated as a model from kharif’16 with technical support from AICRP scientists
  • To promote entrepreneurship skills hybrid seed production is taken up under farmer participatory mode and they are trained on maize hybrid seed production
  • The centre received best centre award during 2014 and 2015 and the maize breeder was awarded best research scientist award by the University
  • Application of Pendimethalin (1kg ai/ha) as pre emergence fb Atrazine (0.75 kg ai /ha) + 2,4-D Amine (0.4 kg ai/ha) at 25 DAS as PoE recorded higher grain yield (6274 kg ha-1), net return (Rs.50,827 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.22) and it was followed by application of Atrazine @ 1.5 kg ai/ha as pre emergence fbTembotrione @ 120 g ai/ha as PoE at 25 DAS, which recorded grain yield ,net return and B:C ratio of 6412 kg ha-1,Rs.49,141 ha-1 and 2.08, respectively. These two combinations of herbicides were found to be more suitable for obtaining higher grain yield, net return and B: C ratio in maize.
  • Maize hybrid CO 6 under 50 x 20 cm spacing with the RDF(250:75:75 NPK kg/ha) is the best management practice for achieving higher grain yield (8289 kg ha-1) , net return (Rs.72,780 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.47).
  • Maize hybrid CO H (M) 7 under 50 x 20 cm spacing with the RDF (250:75:
  • 75 NPK kg ha-1) is the best management practice for achieving higher grain yield (8251 kg ha-1), net return (68,018 Rs.ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.27).
  • Application of 60 kg P2O5/ha + NPK consortia as liquid biofertilizer was found to be suitable for obtaining higher grain yield (5308 kg ha-1), net return ( 44834 Rs. ha-1) and B: C ratio (2.02).
  • Integrated disease management of sorghum downy mildew was achieved by following the package of seed treatment with metalaxyl 3g/kg + Foliar spray of Pseudomonas fluroscens @ 0.5% 15 DAS and 35 DAS +Foliar spray of Metalaxy + Mancozeb combination @ 2.5g/lit 25 DAS .
  • A IPM technology capsule was developed by TNAU for the control of Fall armyworm (FAW) in which AICRP entomologist was a part of the developing team. The FAW damage has been cut down drastically through this technology capsule
  • TNAU has formed Task Force Group for each state for disseminating the IPM capsule to the Maize farmers. The Entomologist of AICRP (Coimbatore) centre is responsible for Tiruppur district.
  • The inbreds identified as resistant for the diseases were utilised in the breeding programme which has resulted in the development multiple disease resistant hybrids at both state and national level
  • The survey and surveillance of disease scenario in the state indicated TLB was found to be moderate and MLB is in traces in southern districts during kharif. SDM noticed in traces in western districts and totally absent in southern districts and PFSR was found to be severe in southern and western districts.
  • A spore trap was designed to monitor the TLB and MLB disease occurrence in the farm area

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