
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Barapani (Meghalaya)

Name of centre (Latitude/Longitude)– AICRP on Maize, College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), Umiam, Meghalaya (Latitude 25.6804⁰, Longitude 91.9096⁰)

Address– Umroi road, Umiam-793103, Ri-bhoi, Meghalaya
Staff details– 1. Dr. Pramod Kumar Pandey, Assistant maize Breeder

  1. Identification of suitable promising hybrids of normal and speciality maize by evaluating a set of released hybrids for NEH region.
  2. Evaluation of new hybrids for normal and speciality maize for NEH region.

Farm area: 2 (Two) acres

Significant achievements:

  • Inbred lines resistant to NCLB developed for NEH landraces.
  • 110 inbred developed from NEH landraces and characterized for divergence. Probable heterotic groups identified based on early combining ability studies.
  • 04 public sector and 01 private sector hybrid is evaluated and popularize in Ri-bhoi and West Khasi hill District of Meghalaya.
  • Field day, awareness and training programs were conducted on Fall Armyworm and cultivation of specialty corn in NEH Region.