
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Kolhapur (Maharashtra)

Name of centre
All India Coordinated Research Project on Maize, Kasba Bawda, Kolhapur
Longitude: 160 13’N Latitude: 740 14’E

Maize Breeder and Incharge,
All India Coordinated Research Project on Maize, Kasba Bawda, Kolhapur
Shahu Agril. Tech. School Campus, Line Bazaar,
Kasaba-Bawada, Kolhapur (M.S) -416 003

Staff details:

Sr. No. Sanctioned post Name of the Scientist Discipline Remarks
1. Maize Breeder Dr. S. R. Karad Breeding  
2. Assistant Maize Entomologist Prof. S. A. Patil Agril. Entomology  
3. Assistant Maize Agronomist Prof. M. S. Pilane Agronomy  
4. Senior Tech. Assistant Dr. S. D. Kumbhar Breeding  
5. Senior Tech. Assistant Vacant Entomology Vacant due to retirement
6. Agril. Assistant / Fieldman Shri. A. B. Bhosale  
7. Agril. Assistant / Fieldman Shri. D. B. Shinde  
8. Agril. Assistant / Fieldman Shri. S. A. Shelake  
9. Sr. Clerk Shri. D. S. Patil  


  1. Development of new maize hybrids and composites with high yield and desirable agronomic traits, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
  2. Conduct of All India Coordinated trials for evaluation of newly developed maize hybrids and composites.
  3. Development of suitable agronomical techniques for cultivation of newly developed maize hybrids and composites.
  4. To study the resistance of newly developed maize genotypes to the stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) and other pests of maize and find out suitable control measures for insects and pests.
  5. Development of suitable maize based cropping systems.

Farm area: Kharif – 7 ha., Rabi – 5 ha.
Significant achievements:

Sr. No. Hybrid/ Composite Pedigree Characteristics Release Year Average yield (q/ha)
  1 Hunis Selection from 30 parents from Hungeri (USA) and India Suitable for Kharif – Rabi and intercropping in Sugarcane, moderately resistance to stem borer and rust, Yellow grain.   1977 45-50
  2 Manjri (Composite) Selection from population Improvement Method Reddish yellow grain 1980 40-50
  3 African tall (Composite) From mass selection Tall growing, long leaves, good for grain and seed production, resistance to blight 1982 Green fodder 60-70 ton, Grain- 40-50 q/ha
  4 Panchganga (Composite) Selection from Pull-15 White grain, short duration, suitable for intercrop, moderately resistance to blight   1986 45-48
5. Karveer (MPQ-13) (Composite) Selection from LY DMR pull Bold orange flint grain, moderately resistance to pest and diseases. Good for Kharif and Rabi. 2005 52-55
(Kharif) 65-68
6. KMH-22168 (Rajarshi) (Hybrid) GPM-456 x GPM-342 High yielding, orange yellow, semi-flint, midlate maturity, suitable for kharif and rabi, resistant to turcicum leaf blight, least susceptible to stem borer & weevil, starch content(72.25%)   2009 70-75
(Kharif) 95-100 (Rabi)
7. QMH-1025 (Phule Maharshi) QMI-1403 X QMI-1401 Mid-late maturity (90-100 days). Moderately resistant to Turcicum leaf blight. Least susceptible to stem borer (Chilo partellus) in field condition. Moderately resistant to stress. Non-lodging. 2016 76.05
(Kharif) 87.61 (Rabi)
8. QMHSC-1182 (Phule Madhu) QMISC-1407 X QMISC-1408 Sweetness (Brix): 18.3 %. Moderately resistant to Turcicum leaf blight. Least susceptible to stem borer (Chilo partellus) in field condition. 2016 Cob yield 128.64 Fodder yield 115.83