
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Banswara (Rajasthan)

Name of centre (Latitude/Longitude): AICRP on Maize ARS, Banswara.
Address :
Agriculture Research Station, Borwat Farm, Banswara-327001, (Raj.)

Latitude Longitude Altitude
23033′ N 74025′ E 220 msl

Staff Position:- AICRP on Maize

S.N. Name of post No. of posts sanctioned No. of Posts filled No. of Posts vacant Presently Working Employee Name)    
A Scientist/Teaching Staff        
1 Associate Professor (PBG) 01 01 00 1.  Dr. P. Rokadia ,  Professor (CAS)
2 Asstt.Professor (Agron.) 01 01 00 1.  Dr. Hargilas,Assoc. Prof. (CAS)
B Non-Teaching Staff        
1 Agriculture Supervisor 01 01 00 1.  Sh. J.S. Dayma
2 Technical Assistant 02 00 02  


  • Germplasm collection, evaluation, maintenance and its enhancement.
  • Identification of high yielding full season/medium maturing varieties exhibiting resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
  • Identification of specialty corn cultivars such as quality protein maize, sweet corn, pop corn, baby corn etc. for diverse uses.
  • Evaluation of pre-release maize genotypes at varying nutrients levels.
  • To find out resource conservation practices under site specific nutrient management.
  • To find out the most compatible intercrops in maize under rainfed and irrigated condition.
  • To conduct training and frontline demonstrations to maximize and accelerate adoption of research findings and innovative technologies

Farm area: 46 ha.
Significant achievements:

  • Maize hybrid Pratap Raj Maize hybrid – 1095 developed for Kharif season and identified for release in the state of Rajasthan.
  • Maize hybrid Pratap Raj Maize hybrid – 1010 developed for Rabi season and identified for release in the state of Rajasthan
  • Pratap Kanchan-2, Pratap Makka-9 Hybrid Pratap Sankar Makka-3 and DHM-117 recommended for cultivation during Kharif and Bio-9782 & DHM-121 for Rabi season for the agroclimatic Zone IVb of Rajasthan.
  • Balanced nutrient management in rabi maize (150:60:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O) was recommended
  • Weed management in maize for Kharif and rabi season- Atrazine 50WP@ 1.0 kg a.i./ha PE fb Tembotrione 42SC@120 g a.i/ha (POE) at 35 DAS was recommended

Significant achievements included in Package of practices for southern Rajasthan:-

Year (inclusion in POP) Significant achievements
2002-2003 Recommended Maize hybrid, PEHM-1 & PEHM-2Intercropping of maize in soybean in the row ratio of 2:4.Revision of fertilizer dose in irrigated & rainfed maize.Maize seed treated with Azotobactor, Phosphocactrin and VAMF can save 20% N and 50% P2O5.
2003-2004 Soil test fertilizer recommendation under IPNS for maize-wheat cropping sequence.
2004-2005 White seeded maize composite, GM-6 recommended.For sweet cob maize composite, Madhuri recommended.Spray of (0.2%) thio-urea at grain filling stage of rainfed maize. In maize-wheat cropping sequence seed treatment of maize with Azotobactor, PSB alongwith FYm 10 t/ha and 75 % of recommended N and P.
2007-2008 Weed control in maize under rainfed condition where inclusion of intercrop (maize with soybean 2:2 row ratio) having treated with Pendimethalin @ 1.5 kg a.i./ha followed by one hand weeding at 30 DAS found superior grain yield and B:C ratio then other farmer practices.Integrated nutrient dose of 50% chem. fertilizer + 25% TYM and 25% through vermicompost with Azotobactor & PSB inoculation for Maize based cropping system.
2008-2009 Recommended Maize hybrids, Bio-9681 and Bio-9637. Inclusion of QPM  maize, (HQPM-1)
2009-2010 Recommended Maize hybrid HQPM-1. Organic package for maize-kabuli gram rotation.
2010-2011 Quality protein maize, HQPM-5 recommended.     Maize intercropping with urd under rainfed condition (Paired row of maize+ urd in 2:3 row ratio. Blanket recommendation of 25 kg of ZnSO4 /ha for wheat and winter maize in command areas. Garlic/onion can be intercropped with rabi maize in (4:2) for profit maximization.
2011-2012 Recommended Maize hybrid Bio-9681 and Bio-9637 included in PoP for Rabi season.
2007-2008 Weed control in maize under rainfed condition where inclusion of intercrop (maize with soybean 2:2 row ratio) having treated with Pendimethalin @ 1.5 kg a.i./ha followed by one hand weeding at 30 DAS found superior grain yield and B:C ratio then other farmer practices.Integrated nutrient dose of 50% chem. fertilizer + 25% TYM and 25% through vermicompost with Azotobactor & PSB inoculation for Maize based cropping system.
2008-2009 Recommended Maize hybrids, Bio-9681 and Bio-9637. Inclusion of QPM  maize, (HQPM-1)
2009-2010 Maize hybrid HQPM-1 for Rabi season. Organic package for maize-kabuli gram rotation.
2010-2011 Quality protein maize, HQPM-5 recommended.     Maize intercropping with urd under rainfed condition (Paired row of maize+ urd in 2:3 row ratio. Blanket recommendation of 25 kg of ZnSO4 /ha for wheat and winter maize in command areas. Garlic/onion can be intercropped with rabi maize in (4:2) for profit maximization.
2011-2012 Maize hybrid Bio-9681 and Bio-9637 included in PoP for Rabi season.
2007-2008 Weed control in maize under rainfed condition where inclusion of intercrop (maize with soybean 2:2 row ratio) having treated with Pendimethalin @ 1.5 kg a.i./ha followed by one hand weeding at 30 DAS found superior grain yield and B:C ratio then other farmer practices.Integrated nutrient dose of 50% chem. fertilizer + 25% TYM and 25% through vermicompost with Azotobactor & PSB inoculation for Maize based cropping system.
2008-2009 Maize hybrids, Bio-9681 and Bio-9637.
2009-2010 Maize hybrid HQPM-1. Organic package for maize-kabuli gram rotation.
2012-2013 Cowpea intercropped with maize (2 row of cowpea) grown simultaneously and cut and used as insitu mulch at 25 DAS has effectively controlled weed flora in rainfed maize. Salumber, Sarada and Sagwara areas of the zone have been reported as hot spots for grass hopper damages in maize. Based on the field trials conducted, following liquid insecticides besides (MP dust 2%) have been recommend to be used on non-crop areas only Chloropyriphos @ 1.25 lit/ha or Profenophos @ 1.25 lit/ha or Dichlorovos @ 1 lit/ha as contact insecticides.
2013-2014 Recommended DHM -117 medium maturity maize SCH included in PoP for kharif & rabi)
2014-2015 Recommended Pratap QPM Hybrid-1.Maize hybrid, BIO-9682 and Pratap QPM-1 recommended for Rabi Maize. Blanket recommendation of ZnSO4 for kharif maize.
2015-2016 Pratap Maize Hybrid-3 ( subject to notification) & Bio-9682
2016-2017 Included in PoP: Maize Hybrid DHM-117 for Rabi Season.
2017-2018 Included in PoP :Maize Hybrid Bio-9782 & DHM-121Balanced nutrient management in rabi maize (150:60:30 kg N:P2O5:K2O)
2018-2019 Developed and released Maize hybrid WH-1010 for state of Rajasthan for Rabi Maize areas (notification is due).Developed and released Maize hybrid WH-1095 for state of Rajasthan for Kharif Maize areas (notification is due). Maize Composite: Pratap Kanchan-2, Pratap Makka-9, Hybrid: Pratap Sankar Makka-3 and DHM-117 included in POP.

Partap Raj Hybrid Maize-1095 (WH-1095) (State Relase)

Recommendation of Post-Emergence herbicide in Rabi Maize

Nutrient management in Maize based cropping system

Composite | Pratap Kanchan-2