
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Almora (Uttarakhand)

Name of centre
ICAR-Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan     
(Voluntary centre)

Latitude: 29º36′ N; Longitude: 79º40′ E; Altitude: 1250 MSL

ICAR-Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Almora (Uttarakhand) – 263 145, India

Staff details  :
ICAR-VPKAS, Almora is a Voluntary Centre and does not have any posts sanctioned under AICRP Maize

Mandate       :

  1. Genetic enhancement in maize for early and extra early maturity, disease resistance and yield
  2. Development of short duration composites and hybrids of normal and specialty corn suitable to hill agriculture
  3. Maintenance and augmentation of maize germplasm
  4. Identification of resistant sources against important disease of maize in NW-hills and their management
  5. To improve the profitability and economic returns of maize farmers by developing matching agro-technology.

Farm area under maize     :           3.0 ha

Significant achievements (in bullets with photos):

  • ICAR-VPKAS Almora is a pioneer maize breeding centre that ushered in hybrid maize development programme in the country.
  • The institute is credited with the development of first maize hybrid (VL Makka 54) in the country which led the way for development of hybrid maize varieties by Indian public sector institutions. This was developed even before the inception of All India Co-ordianted Project.
  • The centre has released a total of 32 varieties (9 composites and 23 hybrids) in different consumer segments for different agro-ecologies of the country.
  • The institute is recognized for the development of first MAS-derived QPM hybrid (Vivek QPM 9) in the country.
  • The breeding material generated by the centre has strengthened extra- and early maize breeding and QPM programmes of various AICRP centres.
  • Current focal research areas of the institute include development of biofortified maize hybrids using combination of molecular breeding tools and doubled haploid technology.

Maize cultivars developed at ICAR-VPKAS, Almora

Sl. No.TypeCultivarYearRelease byCharacteristics
1.Double-cross hybridVL Makka 541962CVRCTall, thick, sturdy stem; yellow, semi-flint grains; maturity 110-120 days; yield 70-80 q/ha
2.Double-cross hybridVL Makka 421962 1988SVRC CVRCMedium, healthy stem; bright orange flint grains; maturity 85-90 days; yield 35-40 q/ha
3.CompositeVL Makka 11973SVRCMedium in height, light green narrow leaves, orange flintish grains; maturity 100-105 days; yield 30-35 q/ha
4.Double-cross hybridHim 1281979CVRCTall; sturdy stem; white semi-flint grains; maturity 110-120 days; yield 70-80 q/ha
5.CompositeVL Makka 161980SVRCMedium stout stem; dark green leaves; yellowish orange flint grains; maturity 95-100 days; yield 35-40 q/ha
6.CompositeVL Amber popcorn1981SVRCSmall; hard, bright orange flint grain; maturity 100-105 days; tolerant to TLB; excellent popping quality; yield 20-25 q/ha
7.CompositeVL Makka 411986SVRCShort healthy stalk; medium green leaves; yellow flint round grains; maturity 80-85 days; yield 30-35 q/ha
8.CompositeVL Makka 881988CVRCMedium healthy stalks; medium dark green leaves; orangish yellow flint grains; maturity 85-90 days; yield 35-40 q /ha
9.Double top cross hybridHim 1291997CVRCMedium in height; medium dark green leaves; yellow flint medium grains; maturity 85-90 days; yield 40-45 q /ha
10.Single-cross hybridVivek Hybrid 51999SVRCYellow; semi-flint; flat bold grains; maturity 85-90 days; yield 45-50 q /ha
11.Single-cross hybridVivek Hybrid 92000CVRCYellow semi-flint grain;  maturity 85-90 days; tolerant to TLB and MLB; yield 50-55 q /ha
12.CompositeVivek Sankul Makka 112003SVRCOrange-yellow flint grains; maturity 95-100 days; tolerant to TLB; yield 40-45 q/ha
13.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 152004CVRCYellow flint grain; maturity 85-90 days; yield 45-50 q/ha
14.CompositeVL Babycorn 12004CVRCBright  yellow medium flat grain; maturity 90-95 days; tolerant to TLB; yield 12-13 q/ha (dehusked baby corn)
15.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 212006CVRCYellow semi-flint grain; maturity 85-90 days; yield 45-50 q /ha
16.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 232006SVRCYellow flint grain; maturity 90-95 days; moderately tolerant to TLB; yield 45-50 q/ha
17.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 252007CVRCYellow semi-dent grain; maturity  85-90 days; tolerant to TLB; yield 50-55 q/ha
18.Single-cross hybridVivek QPM 92007 2008SVRC CVRCYellow semi-flint grain; Tryptophan 0.83%; Lysine 4.19%; Fe 37 ppm; Zn 29 ppm; maturity 85-90 days; Others: tolerant to TLB and MLB; yield 50-55 q/ha 
19.CompositeVivek Sankul Makka 312008SVRCYellow, semi-flint grain; maturity 85-90 days; yield 35-40 q/ha
20.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 332008CVRCYellow dent grain; maturity 85-90 days; yield 55-60 q /ha
21.CompositeVivek Sankul Makka 352009CVRCYellow semi-flint grain; maturity 85-90 days; yield 40-45 q /ha
22.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 392012CVRCYellow semi-flint flat grain; maturity 85-90 days; tolerant to TLB; yield 55-60 q /ha
23.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 432012CVRCYellow, Semi-flint flat grain; maturity 85-90days; yield 55-60 q/ha
24.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 452013CVRCYellow semi-flint flat grain; maturity 85-90 days; tolerant to TLB and MLB; yield 50-55 q /ha
25.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 472014CVRCYellow semi-flint; maturity 90-95 days; moderately resistant TLB; MLB; CR and resistant to BSDM and PFSR; yield 50-55 q /ha
26.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 512014CVRCYellow semi dent flat grain; maturity 85-90 days; yield 50-55 q/ha
27.Single-cross hybridVivek Maize Hybrid 532014CVRCYellow semi-flint grain; maturity 85-90 days; moderately resistant to TLB; MLB; CR; BSDM and PFSR; yield 50-60 q /ha
28.Single-cross hybridCMVL Sweet Corn 12016CVRCSturdy plant with medium height; yellow dent flat grains; green cob72-75 days; yield 100-110 q/ha (dehusked green cob); TSS 16%
29.Single-cross hybridCentral Maize Baby Corn 22017CVRCConical-Cylindrical, baby corn shape; maturity 52-55 days; yield 15-17 q/ha (dehusked baby corn)
30.Single-cross hybridCMVL 552017CVRCYellow flint grain; maturity 95-100 days; moderately resistant to MLB, CR and PFSR; yield 60-65 q/ha
31.Single-cross hybridVL Maize Hybrid 572019CVRCYellow flint grain; maturity 95-100 days; Moderately resistant to TLB and MLB; yield 55-60 q/ha
32.Single-cross hybridVL Sweet Corn Hybrid 22019CVRCSturdy plant with medium height; yellow grains;green cob72-75 days; yield 95-103 q/ha (dehusked green cob); TSS 14.5-15.3%

Development of Doubled Haploid (DH) lines
More than 500 doubled haploid lines of normal corn, sweet corn and QPM have been developed using in vivo haploid induction system

Double hapoid maize lines
Ears of DH lines generation from Vivek QPM 9 (left) and FQH 106 (right)