
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Himachal Pradesh

Information on state recommendations: N/A
Disease management – State-wise we may give predominant diseases and their control measures

Sr. No. Name of the Disease Control measures
1. Erwinia Stalk Rot Apply recommended dose  nitrogen and potassium Keep the fields well drained and use resistant varieties or its control
2. Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight pray mancozeb 75WP @ 2.0 g/LGive two more sprays at 10-days intervalsGrow resistant/tolerant varieties
3. Turcicum/Maydis leaf Blight Spray mancozeb 75WP @ 2.0 g/LGive two more sprays at 10-days intervals
4. Brown Stripe Downy Mildew Spray mancozeb 75WP @ 2.0 g/LGive two more sprays at 10-days intervals
5. Brown Spot Crop rotationGrow resistant/tolerant varietiesClean the field from crop residue  
6. Seed rot and seedling blight Treat the  seed with thiram @4g/KgUse recommended varietiesAvoid sowing in moist and cold fields

Pest management – State-wise we may give predominant pests and their control measures

Sr. No. Name of the Disease  Control measures
1. Stem Borer Plough up the fields to remove the weeds and grasses Use more seed rate at the time of sowing and remove infested plantsUse Thimet 10G@30 Kg/ha before sowing of the crop and mix with the soil properly. Later on apply  grannues of the Thimet in the leaf whorls of the infested plants
2. Hairy Caterpillar Destroy the caterpillars by crushing

Agronomic recommendations: N/A