
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

Hyderabad (Telangana)

Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

Name of centre (Latitude/Longitude) : Maize Research Centre
Latitude : 17.312934
Longitude : 78.399943
Address   : Maize Research Centre, ARI, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30

Staff details:

Cadre   No. of posts sanctioned No. of posts filled
Senior Maize Breeder 1 1
Maize Pathologist 1 1
Assistant Agronomist 1 1
Assistant Maize Breeder 1 1
Assistant Entomologist 1 1


Cadre   No. of posts sanctioned No. of posts filled
Senior Technical Assistant 2 2
Field man 5 5
Tractor Driver 2 2
Storekeeper 1 1
LDC/Typist 1 1


  • To develop high yielding and pest & disease resistant early, medium and full season hybrids
  • To develop hybrids in sweet corn, baby corn, QPM and popcorn
  • Development of drought tolerant maize hybrids
  • To develop economical and efficient hybrid seed production technology
  • To maintain nucleus seed of all the parental lines and supply of breeder seed of released hybrids
  • To screen all parental lines of hybrids for major diseases and pests
  • Management of pests and diseases in maize
  • To develop package of practices for all the pre-released hybrids from time to time
  • To conduct regular training programmes on “Maize Production Technology” to farmers, departmental officers, nodal officers, seed producers of public and private agencies

Farm area: 17.72 ha
Significant achievements (in bullets with photos)
Important technologies rolled out from this centre

Varietal Technologies: Since its establishment, 24 high yielding hybrids/varieties have been released and at present, the most popular maize varieties/hybrids under extensive cultivation are as follows

Deccan Hybrid Makka
Released in 1961 for the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka & Maharashtra
Parentage : (CM104XCM105) x (CM202x CM201)
Full season hybrid
Orange, semi dent grain
resistant to lodging
Average yield 50 q/ha

DHM 101
Released in 1975 for the entire country
Parentage : (CM115xCM114)x(CM202xCM206) Full season hybrid
Yellow semi dent grain
Average yield 55-60 q/ha

Late maturity double cross hybrid With tolerance to TLB, Charcoal rot & SDM and with yield potential of 35-45 q/ha was released in 1980

a fertilizer responsive composite variety with yield potential of 35-45q/ha
Was released in 1988

Varun a medium maturity composite With tolerance to water stress and with
yield potential of 40 q/ha was released in 1990

Amber popcorn
Released in 1971 for the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka & Maharashtra First composite released at National Level Medium duration variety
Orange yellow medium grain
Average yield 25-35 q/ha

DHM 103
Full season double cross hybrid with
tolerance to TLB, MLB & Charcoal rot
and with yield potential of 60-65 q/ha and was released in 1982

105 is very promising double cross hybrid released for cultivation across the country in 1990

Madhuri is the first sweet corn variety released in the country in 1990

Trishulata is the first three way cross hybrid released in the country in 1991

DHM 107
is the first Medium maturity three way cross hybrid released in the country in 1992

109 is the first kharif early three way cross hybrid released in the country in 1993

Priya Sweetcorn
is another promising sweet corn variety released across the country in 2002

DHM 115
is the first early single cross hybrid released for Rabi in Peninsular India in 2004

DHM 113
is the late maturing single cross hybrid released for Kharif in Andhra Pradesh in 2009

DHM 117 is the promising medium to late maturing single cross hybrid released for Kharif in Andhra Pradesh in 2009

119 is the promising medium maturing single cross hybrid released in2010.

is medium maturity Popcorn hybrid with yield potential of 4.0-4.5 t/ha and was released in 2012

DHM 121
Medium maturity single cross hybrid tolerant to TLB, MLB & PFSR with yield potential of 8.0-10.0 t/ha and released in 2014.

Seed production:
To increase the area under public hybrids and to meet the seed requirement of the farmers, Professor Jaya Shankar Telangana Agricultural University has initiated Public Private Partnership (PPP) and entered MoU with private seed production companies. So far 25 companies have registered with the University since 2010. In addition to this Govt. organizations viz., NSC, APSSDC, TSSDC, Rajasthan Seed Corporation, Maharashtra Seed Corporation, Gujarat Seed Corporation and West Bengal Seed Corporation are producing DHM 117 to meet the requirements of their respective states.

Farmers outreach programmes during last 5 years:
There was sudden appearance of Fall Army Worm (Spodoptera frugiperda) an invasive insect pest to India on maize crop. Its incidence on maize crop was also reported from almost all maize growing districts in Telangana State during the year 2018-19 (Kharif & Rabi). The pest alert was issued by PJTSAU (MRC), Hyderabad cautioning all the extension workers throughout the state to educate the farmers with wide publicity and to take up control measures to save the Kharif crop. Maize Research Centre has taken lead role and communicated management strategies for control of FAW in Kharif and Rabi seasons, as a result pest was managed and well under control during the year 2018-19 in the state.

Our maize hybrids/varieties and technologies were popularized in maize farming community by conducting various Minikits, Front Line Demonstrations, Kisan melas, and Exhibitions through our University extension wing and NGOs. Area under single cross hybrids is increased due to our hybrids like DHM 117 and DHM 121.

• Hybrid seed of DHM117 and DHM121 is made available to the farming community during seed melas (2nd fort night of May every year) arranged by the University prior to the crop season.
• Standardized package of practices for Zero-tillage maize and popularized through the Frontline Demonstrations in our state.

In order to reach remote tribal farmers, ICAR has implemented Tribal Sub-plan Programme to popularize maize hybrids, production technologies for normal maize, sweet corn, popcorn and baby corn. So far 350 FLDs were conducted in farmers’ fields. The mean increase in yield over the state average was ranging from 23.0 to 60.0%. During 2014-18, for five years, 225 demonstrations were conducted under TSP programme in Kharif and Rabi seasons. The mean increase in yield over control plot was ranging from 12.22 to 28.7%.

Distribution of inputs and farm implements in TSP programme

Cultivar Deccan Hybrid Makka Amber Popcorn DHM 101 DHM 1 DHM 103 Harsha
Nature of cultivar Double cross hybrid Composite Double cross hybrid Double cross hybrid Double cross hybrid Composite
Pedigree (CM104 x CM105) x (CM202 x CM201) (CM115 x CM114) x (CM202 x CM206) (CM119 x CM120) x (CM121 x CM108) (CM120 x CM118) x (CM119 x CM208)
AICRP Centre/Pvt.Company APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Public/private Public Public Public Public Public Public
Notification date Released in the year 1961 24.09.1969 02.02.1976 12.01.1988 29.05.1982 05.05.1988
Notification no.   4045 786 1135 (E) 371(E) 471 (E)
Maturity Full season Medium duration Full season Full season Full season Early to medium
Area of adaptation Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra Entire country Entire country Entire country Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra
Average Yield (t/ha) 5 t/ha 2.5-3.5 t/ha 5.5-6.0 t/ha 3.5-4.5 t/ha 6-6.5 t/ha 3.5-4.5 t/ha
Other characteristics Resistance to Lodging   Tolerance to TLB, charcoal rot and SDM Tolerance to TLB, MLB and charcoal rot Fertilizer responsive
Cropping season Kharif Kharif Kharif Kharif Kharif Kharif
Type Orange, semi dent Orange-yellow, dent Yellow, semi-dent Yellow-orange, semi dent Orange, semi dent Orange-yellow, semi flint
Cultivar Varun Madhuri Sweet corn DHM 105 Trishulatha DHM 107 DHM 109
Nature of cultivar Composite Composite Double cross hybrid Three Way cross hybrid Three Way cross hybrid Three Way cross hybrid
Pedigree (CM119 x CM120) x (CM211 x CM131) (CM131 x CM211) x CM120 (CM119 x CM211) x CM133 (CM119 x CM211) x CM133
AICRP Centre/Pvt.Company APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad APAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Public/private Public Public Public Public Public Public
Notification date 15.05.1990 15.05.1990 15.05.1990 16.08.1991 17.08.1993 09.02.1994
Notification no. 386 (E) 386(E) 386(E) 527(E) 615 (E) 636 (E)
Maturity Medium Early Full season Full season Medium duration Early
Area of adaptation Peninsular India and Foothills of Himalayas Andhra Pradesh Entire country Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra Entire Country Maharashtra, Gujarat, MP, HP and Rajasthan
Average Yield (t/ha) 4 t/ha 1.6 t/ha 6.2-7.5 t/ha 6.5-7.0 t/ha 5-6 t/ha 4.5 t/ha
Other characteristics Tolerant to water stress Tolerance to water stress Tolerant to MLB and TLB Tolerant to TLB, MLB and wilt Tolerance to TLB, MLB, SDM & ESR Tolerant to TLB, MLB, SDM, BSR
Cropping season Kharif Kharif Kharif Kharif Kharif Kharif
Type Orange-yellow, semi flint Yellow, dent Orange-yellow, semi dent Yellow, semi dent Yellow, flint Orange-yellow, semi dent
Cultivar Priya Sweet Corn DHM 111 (BH1576) DHM 113 (BH1620) DHM 115 DHM 117 (BH40625)
Nature of cultivar Composite Single Cross Hybrid Single Cross Hybrid Single cross hybrid Single Cross Hybrid
Pedigree Composite from Malyasian sweet corn, Thai sweet corn, Madhri and Madhu makka BML 6 x BML 15 BML 2 x BML 7 BML 13 x BML 10 BML 6 x BML 7
AICRP Centre/Pvt.Company ANGRAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad ANGRAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad ANGRAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad ANGRAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad ANGRAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Public/private Public Public Public Public Public
Notification date 09.04.2002 29.01.2010 29.01.2010 Released in the year 2004 29.01.2010
Notification no. 937 (E) S.O. 211(E) S.O. 211(E)   S.O. 211(E)
Maturity Medium duration Medium duration Full season Early Full season
Area of adaptation Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh
Average Yield (t/ha) 1.5-2.0 t/ha 6.5 t/ha 6.6 t/ha 5.5-6.0 t/ha 7.5 t/ha
Other characteristics Tolerant to TLB, charcoal rot and late wilt Nutrient responsive, tolerant to lodging and stay green, Tolerant to TLB, MLB and BSDM Nutrient responsive, tolerant to lodging Tolerant to TLB, MLB and BSDM Nutrient responsive, tolerant to lodging
Cropping season Kharif Kharif and Rabi Kharif and Rabi Kharif  & Rabi Kharif and Rabi
Type Yellow dent Orange yellow Semi flint Orange, Semi dent Orange-yellow, flint Orange-yellow, flint
Cultivar DHM 119 BPCH 6 DHM 121 (BH41009)
Nature of cultivar Single cross hybrid Single cross hybrid Single Cross Hybrid
Pedigree BML 2 x BML 15 BPCL 3 x BPCL 6 BML 6 x BML 45
AICRP Centre/Pvt.Company ANGRAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad ANGRAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad ANGRAU Maize Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Public/private Public Public Public
Notification date 25.03.2011 01.10.2015 30.07.2014
Notification no. S.O. 632 (E) S.O. 2680 S.O. 1919(E)
Maturity Full season Medium duration Full season
Area of adaptation Andhra Pradesh, Maharahstra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu Entire country A.P. Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.
Average Yield (t/ha) 8.5 t/ha 3.5 t/ha 7.5 t/ha
Other characteristics Tolerant to TLB, MLB and PFSR Volume expansion ration is 1:16 Nutrient responsive, tolerant to lodging
Cropping season Kharif & Rabi Kharif & Rabi Kharif and Rabi
Type Orange-yellow, semi flint Orange, flint Orange-yellow, flint